Thursday, April 14, 2011


So I've fallen a little behind in posts and I did not succeed in my last goal. :-(  I didn't follow the meal plan and I didn't post on every dinner that we made. I also skipped Meatless Monday two weeks in a row! I actually failed miserably at my blogging goals!

However, Meatless is back...and with vengeance! Thanks to some creative ideas from co-workers, Crystal and Meshia, I had Meatless Miércoles! ....(that's Wednesday for all you non Spanish speakers)

Well the day started off say the least. Breakfast was non existent so I started off with an early lunch and ate what was breakfast for a snack before my afternoon obligations.


Gourmet Grilled Cheese and Tomato Bisque
I used sourdough bread, creamy havarti, muenster, and pepper jack cheeses to make this gourmet grilled cheese. My sandwich was accompanied by a bowl of Select Harvest's Zesty Tomato Bisque and fresh chopped basil. It was delicious!

Shirred Eggs and Seedless Navel Orange
My shirred eggs were fantastic! This was a test recipe. In the office I'm working with select kitchen appliances; microwave, toaster oven, panini maker, and a toaster. I baked the eggs in the toaster oven with parmesan cheese and chives. OMG!...loved it! I also sliced up a seedless navel orange which really made me happy as well.


Mushroom and Herb Risotto, Sautéed Zucchini
I've made risotto before....out of a box. This was my first time making it from scratch. Homemade risotto takes some tender love and care. It requires constant stirring and slowly adding liquid in small portions to get that perfect creamy texture. I added sautéed mushrooms, fresh sage, basil, oregano, chopped chives, and parmesan cheese. I was impressed and will definitely be making more in the future. I felt like I was lacking in my vegetable intake for the day so I also served up some sautéed zucchini. The fun thing about risotto is that you can add or top it with whatever you like to fancy it up. Matty's risotto was topped with a pan fried chicken breasts.

So I'm back in the game! Meatless meals have returned, I have a lot of new ideas for future dinners, and a few back logged things to post about! Look forward to some new great things.

Up next: Last week's Parsley Pesto Debut

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